Adding Assets

There are several ways to add your assets into Assetbots. Below we cover five common scenarios to help you get up and running quickly.

Add Manually, One by One

To add a single asset, navigate to the asset list and click Add Asset in the top-right corner, or use the keyboard shortcut Shift+A. Choose a category, enter a description, then click Save Asset.

Manually add an asset

Once the asset has been added, you will be taken to its detail view where additional details can be edited.

If you prefer to enter all your asset details before saving, you can click Show all fields next to the Save Asset button. This choice will be remembered when adding another asset in the future.

Add Multiple Assets at Once

To the right of the Add Asset button is a dropdown – choose Add many similar assets. In the dialog that appears, choose Automatic to add multiple similar assets and have Assetbots automatically generate tag IDs for you.

Enter the number of assets you would like to create and click Next. Fill out the fields that each asset has in common (e.g., if you’re adding 10 identical computer monitors, you might enter the description, brand and model) and click Create Assets.

Add assets in bulk

To quickly individualize the assets after saving (for example, by entering serial numbers), use the Next asset and Previous asset buttons in the top-right corner of the details view. These buttons will navigate you exclusively through your newly added assets.

Add Multiple Assets by Scanning

Another way to add many similar assets at once is to scan their tag IDs, rather than have them generated by Assetbots like in the previous method. This is useful for enabling the following workflow:

  1. Print asset labels for new assets (i.e., generate new asset tag IDs)
  2. Apply labels to a set of similar assets that are not yet added to Assetbots
  3. Add these assets by scanning the already applied labels

Start by choosing Add many similar assets from the dropdown to the right of the Add Asset button. Choose By Tag and click Next. Fill out the fields that each asset has in common and click Next again.

Add assets in bulk by scanning

Start the scanner and begin scanning your labels, one after another, until you’ve scanned all your assets. Once you’re done scanning, click Create Assets.

Add Assets On-Demand While Scanning

Click Scan to search in the top bar to search for an asset with the scanner. If the asset is not found, you will be asked if you’d like to add it. Fill out the asset details and click Save Asset.

Scan to add asset

Once saved, you will be returned to the scanner so you can immediately scan another asset. This makes it quick and easy to add many assets that are not very similar using the scanner.

Import Assets from an Excel or CSV File

Visit the Settings tab and click Import Data. Select an Excel or CSV file to import and follow the on-screen instructions to map your columns to fields in Assetbots. You can learn more about importing assets, people and checkouts here.

Add Assets via Integrations

Visit the Settings tab and click Integrations. Select one of our numerous asset integrations options and configure the mapping before enabling the connection. You can learn more about our integrations here.

Add Assets via API

Visit the Settings tab and click Connect to the API. You can learn more about our API here.

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