Search and Filters
Omnibar Search: The search box at the top of every screen now supports searching across all fields within Assetbots. This provides a unified and convenient way to find the information you need. This empowers users to perform more sophisticated searches, including:
Fuzzy Search:
: Performs a fuzzy search for "apple"."macbook pro"
: Performs a fuzzy search for the phrase "macbook pro".
Exact Search:
: Searches for the exact string "LP-RX3B3GTO".="macbook pro"
: Searches for the exact phrase "macbook pro".
Field-Specific Search:
: Searches for "12345" within the "Serial Number" field.serialNumber:=12345
: Performs an exact search for "12345" within the "Serial Number" field. (Note: You can find the field keys in the "Edit Fields" dialog.)
Wildcard Search:
: Searches for values that start with "mac".pro$
: Searches for values that end with "pro".
OR Operator:
=broken | =lost
: Searches for assets that have either "broken" or "lost" as their status.
Adding Saved Filters:
You can save complex searches to your Saved Filters to be used later on. For example, lets create a filter for checked out Macbooks with the following search criteria:
checkout.value.status:=checkedOut description:=Macbook
Next click the dropdown arrow next the filter and select Add or edit filters.
With your search criteria pre-configured, all that's left is defining which columns you’d like displayed for this filter, naming the filter, and saving it.
Finally, you can click your custom saved filter whenever you want to view your checked out Macbooks.