Account - Branding Preferences

Brand Your Assetbots Database: Customize Name, Logo, and More! 

Make your Assetbots database your own! We offer several ways to customize it so it aligns perfectly with your brand identity. Here's how to update your database name, organization name, and logo: 

Database and Organization Names: 

  • Update in Settings: To edit your database name and organization name, head over to your Settings section and click on “Preferences” 
  • Navigate to the Branding section at the top of Preferences: Change your Database Name and Organization Name under the applicable headings 

Adding Your Logo (light and dark mode): 

  • Light Mode Logo: The logo you upload will be displayed by default in the light mode theme. 
  • Optional Dark Mode Logo: Optionally you can upload a separate logo specifically designed for dark themes.  

Important Considerations for your Logo:

  • Supported Formats: We currently accept logo uploads in .png and .jpg formats. 
  • Optimal Size: For the best display, we recommend using a logo with a height of 64px and a width that doesn't exceed 190px. 



Stay Tuned for More Customization Options! 

By personalizing your database name, organization name, and logo, you can create an Assetbots experience that seamlessly integrates with your brand identity. If you have questions about these functionalities, contact our support team!

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